Waste management is a core skill provided by qualified, professional waste managers employed by RS Recycling Ltd. The waste management aspects of any project must be assessed and managed safely and compliantly with a view to minimise waste to landfill and incineration (without energy recovery). Every effort is made to push all processing and/or destruction activities as far up the waste hierarchy as possible, without compromising on security or safety. To manage waste compliantly, RS Recycling typically employ the following methodologies:
Technical Waste Assessments
It is crucial that waste is assessed by a professional prior to performing any waste management activities. It is especially important if the waste is to be shredded or incinerated due to the potential for hazardous fractions to become airborne because of the processing activity.

WM3 Assessments
The UK's official guidance on the classification and assessment of waste is a document called WM3. The WM3 guidance is provided to help producers, managers, and regulators classify waste accurately, so that it can be recycled or disposed of properly.
Positive Material Identification (PMI)
If the waste cannot be characterised, NDT9 tests to determine material composition can be completed. This can be important especially if the equipment is unusual and/or military.
XRF and other NDT testing can be undertaken for hazardous fractions:
Cadmium plated components
Beryllium and beryllium oxide components (intuitive)
Mercury and its compounds
Lead and its compounds
Arsenic and its compounds
Persistent organic pollutants (POPs)
Radioactive Waste
Testing for the presence of radioactive parts or contamination can be carried out by our RPS10 using:
Thorium coated lenses
Tritium sources
Asbestos Contamination
Waste contaminated by asbestos is managed through our approved vendor systems.
On-Site Services / Logistics
UK mainland coverage for on-site services
Pre-treatment on site to make waste safe for transport
Packing services
Strategically located vendor waste management and secure destruction facilities:
West Midlands
Large goods vehicle (LGV) collections
Small van collections
Skip supply / exchange services
Over-sized waste services

Metals / Other Solids / WEEE
Ferrous metals
Non-ferrous metals
Commercial waste
Military and Blue Light waste
Precious metal bearing waste
Circuit boards
NDT9 film
Medical X-ray film

Hazardous Liquids / Solids:
Asbestos contaminated waste
FFE11 waste
Flammable liquids
Compressed gas
Toxic waste
Unusual waste services:
Beryllium and beryllium oxides
Cadmium plated wastes
Lead bearing waste
Mercury bearing waste